back up
- 後退; 倒退回去; 倒(車);給...裝上背襯
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 後退; 倒退回去; 倒(車) They couldn't understand, so he backed up and told them once more. 因為他們不懂, 他就倒回去, 重又解釋一遍。
- 2. 給...裝上背襯 back up a bookcase with cardboard 用卡紙板襯書櫥背部
- 3. 支持 I backed up my friend in an argument. 我在辯論中支持我的朋友。
- 4. 證實 Figures backed this up. 數字證明了這一點。
- 5. 補充 The lectures are to be backed up by a heavy program of field work. 課堂講授將輔以大量的實地調查。
- 後援 Do you have any back-ups in case I cannot be there? 假如我不能來,你們有沒有候補人員?
- 作支援的
- 後援,備份
- 【電腦】製作(文件、程序等的)複製件(以防原件丟失或損壞)
- 備用電力 To prevent a power blackout, the power companies must keep a sufficient back-up power. 要防止停電,電力公司必須要有足夠的備用電力。
- 備用電力 To prevent a power blackout, the power companies must keep a sufficient back-up power. 要防止停電,電力公司必須要有足夠的備用電力。
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- 後退; 倒車; 向後倒 to back up a few yards 後退幾碼
- 證實 to back sth. up with sth. 通過某事物來支持某事物 to back up demands with threats 威脅著要滿足要求
- 支持 He would have lost his position if you hadn't backed him up. 假如你當初沒有支持他,他可能已經失去職位了。
- 支持 He would have lost his position if you hadn't backed him up. 假如你當初沒有支持他,他可能已經失去職位了。
- 支援