- KK[ˋbiˋɪn]
- DJ[ˋbi:ˋin]
- 私人集會
- 相關詞
- (商店等中)有現貨的 The book is in stock. 該書有庫存。
- (指收音機等)調整頻率 You're not properly tuned in. 你沒有把收音機調準。
- 專心於... His whole soul is absorbed in saving his country. 他的全部精力都放在救國問題上。
- 欠債
- 趕上, 碰到 I was caught in the downpour. 我被大雨淋著了。
- (使某事物)清晰(或明確、在焦點上)
- 準備好, 健康適宜 in good, proper, excellent, etc. trim 身體好、健康、極佳等
- (使某事物)生效, 起作用 Is this rule in operation yet? 這條規則生效了嗎?
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