- IPA[biːt]
- 擊打;錘打; 拍打; 敲打; 拍打
- 擊打;接連撲打
- 敲擊聲;節奏; 節拍
- 筋疲力盡的
過去式:beat 過去分詞:beaten 現在分詞:beating
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 擊打 to beat sb./sth. to death 打死某人/某動物 to beat sb. into submission 打得某人屈服
- 2. 錘打; 拍打; 敲打; 拍打 to beat sth. into shape 把某物打造成型
- 3. 用…打 he beat his fists against the door 他用拳頭砸門
- 4. 敲
- 5. 打 to beat time (with sth.) (用某物)打拍子
- 6. 敲奏出
- 7. 快速攪拌 beat the eggs 打蛋 to beat sth. into sth. 將某物攪拌入某物
- 8. 拍打
- 9. 踏出
- 10. 闢出 to beat a path through the jungle 在叢林中開出一條路 to beat one's way through the onlookers 從旁觀的人群中擠過去
- 11. 拍打 the bird/insect beat its wings 鳥/昆蟲拍動翅膀
- 12. 打敗 to be beaten at sth. 輸掉某事 if you can't beat 'em, join 'em 打不贏,就投靠
- 13. 解決…問題; 戰勝 to beat heroin addiction 戒掉海洛因毒癮
- 14. 超過 to beat the record 打破紀錄 beat that (if you can)! 有本事你來試試!
- 15. 難倒 a mystery that beats even the experts 連專家都解不開的謎 to have sb. beat 難住某人
- 16. 逃避
- 17. 搶先 he beat me to the door 他搶在我之前到了門口 to beat sb. to the altar 比某人早結婚
- 18. 避免 to beat the rush hour 避開交通高峰時段
- 1. 擊打 to beat against/on sth. 拍打
- 2. 接連撲打 to beat at or on sth. 接連擊打
- 3. 跳動
- 4. 敲響 drums beating in the distance 遠處的鼓聲
- 5. 撲扇
- 6. 拍打樹叢等
- 7. 以“之”字形搶風航行 to beat to windward 搶上風航行
- 1. 敲擊聲 the beat of the drums 鼓聲
- 2. 節奏; 節拍 to follow or keep to the beat 跟上節奏
- 3. 強音
- 4. 跳動 sb.'s heart misses or skips a beat 某人的心裡咯噔一下
- 5. 拍音
- 6. 轄區; 巡邏路線 a policeman on the beat 巡警
- 7. 負責區域 the journalist's beat 記者的採訪區域
- 8. 專長 to be off sb.'s beat 非某人本行
- 1. 筋疲力盡的 I'm (dead) beat 我累垮了
1. strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip
- hit
- , strike
- , batter
- , thump
- , hammer
- , punch
- , knock
- , thrash
- , pound
- , pummel
- , slap
- , smack
- , crack
- , thwack
- , cuff
- , buffet
- , maul
- , pelt
- , drub
- , rain blows on
- , assault
- , attack
- , abuse
- , flay
- , whip
- , lash
- , cudgel
- , club
- , birch
- , wallop
- , belt
- , bash
- , whack
- , clout
- , clobber
- , slug
- , tan
- , biff
- , bop
- , sock
- , deck
- , plug
- , lay into
- , do over
- , knock about/around
- , rough up
- , fill in
- , knock into the middle of next week
- , beat the living daylights out of
- , give someone a good hiding
- , chastise
2. strike (an object) repeatedly so as to make a noise
3. flatten or shape (metal) by striking it repeatedly with a hammer
- hammer
- , forge
- , form
- , shape
- , mould
- , work
- , stamp
- , fashion
- , model
- , fabricate
- , make
- , cast
- , frame
- , sculpt
- , sculpture
4. defeat (someone) in a game or other competitive situation
- defeat
- , conquer
- , win against
- , get the better of
- , vanquish
- , trounce
- , rout
- , overpower
- , overcome
- , overwhelm
- , overthrow
- , subdue
- , quash
- , crush
- , lick
- , thrash
- , whip
- , wipe the floor with
- , clobber
- , own
5. do or be better than (a record or score)
- surpass
- , outdo
- , exceed
- , eclipse
- , transcend
- , top
- , trump
- , cap
- , better
- , outperform
- , outstrip
- , outshine
- , outclass
- , overshadow
- , put in the shade
- , be better than
- , improve on
- , go one better than
6. (of the heart) pulsate
- pulsate
- , pulse
- , palpitate
- , vibrate
- , throb
- , reverberate
- , pump
- , pound
- , thump
- , thud
- , hammer
- , drum
- , pitter-patter
- , go pit-a-pat
- , quop
7. (of a bird) move (the wings) up and down
- flap
- , flutter
- , move up and down
- , thresh
- , thrash
- , wave
- , shake
- , swing
- , agitate
- , quiver
- , tremble
- , vibrate
- , oscillate
8. stir (cooking ingredients) vigorously to make a smooth or frothy mixture
9. a strong rhythm in popular music
10. the sound made when something, especially a musical instrument, is struck
11. a pulsation of the heart
- pulse
- , pulsing
- , pulsating
- , vibration
- , vibrating
- , throb
- , throbbing
- , palpitation
- , palpitating
- , reverberation
- , reverberating
- , beating
- , pumping
- , pounding
- , thumping
- , thudding
- , hammering
- , drumming
- , pitter-patter
- , pit-a-pat
12. an area allocated to a police officer and patrolled on foot
- 打 to get a beating 捱打 to give sb. a beating 打某人
- ▶beat
- 被打敗的
- (尤指因處罰而)打;拍打;錘打[C][U] The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一頓。
- 錘平的;錘成的
- beat的名詞複數
- 拍
- 打,挫敗,搏動
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[bit]
- DJ[bi:t]
- 打,擊,敲;衝擊 He beat his brother for lying. 他因為他的兄弟說謊而揍他。
- 打,擊,敲[(+at/on/upon)] The rain was beating against the windows. 雨打在窗戶上。
- 敲打;敲擊聲;衝擊聲
- 【口】筋疲力盡的;垂頭喪氣的[F]
- 打,敲打聲,拍子打,打敗,搜索疲乏的,頹廢的