- IPA[biːvz]
- plural form of beef
- 相關詞
- the flesh of a cow, bull, or ox, used as food: there was the smell of roast beef beef cattle
- complain: he was beefing about how the recession was killing the business
Oxford Dictionary
- the flesh of a cow, bull, or ox, used as food: there was the smell of roast beef beef cattle
- complain: he was beefing about how the recession was killing the business
Oxford American Dictionary
- beef preserved in brine, chopped and pressed and sold in tins.
Oxford Dictionary
- minced beef.
Oxford Dictionary
- another term for boeuf bourguignon
Oxford Dictionary
- beef that is cut up into very small pieces in a meat grinder or other machine.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a drink made from stewed extract of beef, used as nourishment for invalids.
Oxford Dictionary
- small pieces of sliced dried beef, typically served on toast in a cream sauce.
Oxford Dictionary
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