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  1. befuddled

    • IPA[bɪˈfʌdld]


    • adj.
      unable to think clearly; confused or perplexed
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    • 1. unable to think clearly; confused or perplexed even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble he has an air of befuddled unworldliness
    • v.
      make (someone) unable to think clearly: the logic used to arrive at this conclusion befuddles me

    Oxford Dictionary

    • v.
      make (someone) unable to think clearly: the logic used to arrive at this conclusion befuddles me

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[bəˈfədəld]


    • adj.
      unable to think clearly; confused or perplexed: even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble he has an air of befuddled unworldliness

    Oxford American Dictionary