big fish
- 大人物
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 大人物 In our school, Professor Johnson was a big fish in a small pond. 約翰遜教授在我們學校, 就像是小池裡的大魚, 英雄無用武之地了。
- 矮子中的高個子
- 矮子中的高個子
- 矮子裏的長子
- (小地方或小範圍內的)大人物, 小塘中的大魚 Tom is the best player in our class, but compared to those players in the school team, he's just a big fish in a little pond. 在我們班湯姆球打得最好, 可是跟校隊隊員相比, 他不過是矮個中的高個。
- 大材小用 Putting him in his current position is like putting a big fish in a small pond. 把他擺在這個位置,你不嫌大材小用嗎?
- 小塘中的大魚 Tom is the best player in our class, but compared to those players in the school team, he's just a big fish in a little pond. 在我們班湯姆球打得最好,可是跟校隊隊員相比,他不過是矮個中的高個。
- 小塘中的大魚 Tom is the best player in our class, but compared to those players in the school team, he's just a big fish in a little pond. 在我們班湯姆球打得最好,可是跟校隊隊員相比,他不過是矮個中的高個。
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- 更多解釋
- 【喻】大魚(指要人、巨擘等) In our school, Professor Johnson was a big fish in a small pond. 約翰遜教授在我們學校,就像是小池裡的大魚,英雄無用武之地了。
- 【喻】大魚(指要人、巨擘等) In our school, Professor Johnson was a big fish in a small pond. 約翰遜教授在我們學校,就像是小池裡的大魚,英雄無用武之地了。