Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. blank

    • IPA[blæŋk]



    • adj.
    • n.
      空白處; 空白表格;空白
    • 名詞複數:blanks

    • 比較級:blanker 最高級:blankest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 空白的 the blank expanse of the sea 空曠的大海 fill in the blank form 填寫空白表格
    • 2. 無表情的 he had a blank expression on his face 他面無表情
    • 3. 困惑的 to look blank 面露困惑之色 don't give me such a blank look 不要呆呆地看著我
    • 4. 已遺忘的 I tried to remember, but my mind went blank 我試著回憶,但是腦子裡一片空白
    • 5. 完全的 his blank refusal or rejection of me 他對我的斷然拒絕


    • 1. 空白處; 空白表格 to fill in the blanks 填空
    • 2. 空白 to draw a blank 落空 the search drew a blank 搜尋一無所獲
    • 3. 空包彈 to fire blanks 發射空包彈
    • 4. 坯件
    • 5. 空白骨牌


    1. (of a surface or background) unrelieved by decorative or other features; bare, empty, or plain

    2. not written or printed on

    3. showing a lack of comprehension or reaction

    4. complete; absolute (used emphatically with negative force)

    5. a space left to be filled in a document

    6. an empty space or period of time, especially in terms of a lack of knowledge or understanding


    「1. (of a surface or background) unrelieved by decorative or other features; bare, empty, or plain」的反義字

    「2. not written or printed on」的反義字

    「3. showing a lack of comprehension or reaction」的反義字
