- IPA[ˈblɑːstɪd]
- used to express annoyance;withered or blighted; laid waste
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. informal used to express annoyance make your own blasted coffee!
- 2. literary withered or blighted; laid waste a blasted heath an area of blasted trees
- 3. informal drunk I got really blasted
- a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outwards from an explosion: they were thrown backwards by the blast
- blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives: the school was blasted by an explosion
- expressing annoyance: ‘Blast! The car won't start!’
Oxford Dictionary
- a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion: they were thrown backward by the blast
- blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives: quantities of solid rock had to be blasted away the explosion blasted out hundreds of windows
- expressing annoyance: “Blast! The car won't start!”
Oxford American Dictionary
- denoting an embryonic cell: erythroblast
Oxford American Dictionary
- denoting an embryonic cell: erythroblast
Oxford Dictionary
- a smelting furnace in the form of a tower into which a blast of hot compressed air can be ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- the launching of a rocket or spacecraft: a blast-off thrust of 78,000 lb the policy was now in place for blast-off
Oxford Dictionary
- a machine used in commercial kitchens to cool food rapidly by circulating very cold air over it.
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a rocket or spacecraft) take off from a launching site
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈblastəd]
- used to express annoyance: make your own blasted coffee!
Oxford American Dictionary