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  1. blitz

    • IPA[blɪts]


    • n.
      an intensive or sudden military attack;the German air raids on Britain in 1940–1.
    • v.
      attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz;process (food) in an electric mixing machine
    • verb: blitz, 3rd person present: blitzes, gerund or present participle: blitzing, past tense: blitzed, past participle: blitzed

    • noun: blitz, plural noun: blitzes

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    • 1. attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz news came that Rotterdam had been blitzed she blitzed her own world record in the 400m freestyle
    • 2. process (food) in an electric mixing machine add the eggs and blitz the mixture until it becomes granular
    • 3. charge (the opposing team's quarterback) in a blitz.
    • adj.
      intoxicated by drink or drugs: we're all hanging out getting blitzed as usual

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      intoxicated by drink or drugs: we're all hanging out getting blitzed as usual

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a campaign of intense coverage in the media for the purpose of advertising or publicity: the government has launched a media blitz to allay fears

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      stoicism and determination in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially as displayed by a ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      stoicism and determination in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially as displayed by a ...

    Oxford Dictionary


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    • IPA[blits]


    • n.
      an intensive or sudden military attack: a heavy artillery blitz
    • v.
      attack or damage (a place or building) in a blitz: news came that Rotterdam had been blitzed organizations blitzed Capitol Hill with mailgrams and postcards

    Oxford American Dictionary