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  1. blocking

    • IPA[ˈbläkiNG]


    • n.
      the action or fact of blocking or obstructing someone or something;obstructing or impeding the actions of an opponent in a game, especially (in ball sports) one who does not have control of the ball.
    • noun: blocking

    • 釋義


    • 1. the action or fact of blocking or obstructing someone or something the issue led to the disruption of classes and the blocking of the Kakata highway by angry students
    • obstructing or impeding the actions of an opponent in a game, especially (in ball sports) one who does not have control of the ball.
    • 2. the sudden halting of the flow of thought or speech, as a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorder.
    • failure to recall or consider an unpleasant memory or train of thought.
    • 3. the grouping or treatment of things (e.g., items of data or shades of color) in blocks.
    • the physical arrangement of actors on a stage or movie set.