- IPA[bluː]
- of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day;(of a person's skin) having turned blue as a result of cold or breathing difficulties
- blue colour or pigment;blue clothes or material
- make or become blue;heat (metal) so as to give it a greyish-blue finish
verb: blue, 3rd person present: blues, gerund or present participle: blueing, past tense: blued, past participle: blued
noun: blue, plural noun: blues
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day the clear blue sky a blue silk shirt 同義詞
- ▪ (of a person's skin) having turned blue as a result of cold or breathing difficulties Ashley went blue and I panicked
- ▪ (of a bird or other animal) having blue markings a blue jay
- ▪ (of a cat, fox, or rabbit) having fur of a smoky grey colour the blue fox
- ▪ (of a ski run) of the second-lowest level of difficulty, as indicated by blue markers positioned along it.
- ▪ denoting one of three colours of quark.
- 2. informal (of a person or mood) melancholy, sad, or depressed he's feeling blue 同義詞 反義詞
- 3. informal (of a film, joke, or story) having sexual or pornographic content a blue movie 同義詞 反義詞
- 4. British informal politically conservative the successful blue candidate
- 1. blue colour or pigment she was dressed in blue the dark blue of his eyes
- ▪ blue clothes or material Susan wore blue
- ▪ the blue ball in snooker, billiards, and similar games.
- ▪ another term for bluing
- ▪ literary the sky or sea, or the unknown far out upon the blue were many sails
- 2. a small butterfly, the male of which is predominantly blue while the female is typically brown.
- 3. British a person who has represented Cambridge University (a Cambridge blue) or Oxford University (an Oxford blue) at a particular sport in a match between the two universities a flyweight boxing blue
- ▪ a distinction awarded to a Cambridge blue or an Oxford blue Adrian's brother won a rugby blue in December
- 4. Australian, New Zealand informal an argument or fight did you have a blue or what?
- 5. Australian, New Zealand informal a mistake his tactical blue in saying the opposition wasn't ready to govern
- 6. Australian, New Zealand informal a nickname for a red-headed person only an Aussie could make a red-headed man ‘Blue.’
- 7. British informal a supporter of the Conservative Party.
- 1. make or become blue the light dims, bluing the retina blued paper
- ▪ heat (metal) so as to give it a greyish-blue finish nickel-plated or blued hooks
- 2. historical wash (white clothes) with bluing they blued the shirts and starched the uniforms
- melancholic music of black American folk origin, typically in a twelve-bar sequence. It ... blues has always had a strong following in Australia a blues singer
Oxford Dictionary
- melancholic music of black American folk origin, typically in a twelve-bar sequence. It ... blues has always had a strong following in Australia a blues singer
Oxford American Dictionary
- blue powder used to preserve the whiteness of laundry.
Oxford Dictionary
- blue powder used to preserve the whiteness of laundry.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a ribbon of blue silk given to the winner of a competition or as a mark of great distinction.
- of the highest quality; first-class: blue-ribbon service
Oxford Dictionary
- a badge made of blue ribbon and given as first prize to the winner of a competition.
- of the highest quality; first-class: blue-ribbon service
Oxford American Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[blo͞o]
- of a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day: the clear blue sky a blue silk shirt
- blue color or pigment: she was dressed in blue the dark blue of his eyes
- make or become blue: the light dims, bluing the retina blued paper
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[blo͞o]
- squander or recklessly spend (money): they blued it all on sweets, toys, and cigarettes
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[bluː]
- squander or recklessly spend (money): they blued it all on sweets, toys, and cigarettes
Oxford Dictionary