Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. bring up

    • vt.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 撫養 well/badly brought up 有/沒教養 to bring sb. up to do sth. 從小教育某人做某事
    • 2. 帶上來
    • 3. 使急停 his remark brought her up short 他的話把她噎了回去 the sight of the gun brought us up sharply 我們一看到槍就停下腳步
    • 4. 傳訊 to bring sb. up before the judge 傳訊某人到法官面前 he was brought up on a charge of drunken driving 他因被控酒醉駕駛受到傳訊
    • 5. 把…拿上來 to bring sth. up with one 隨身把某物拿上來 to bring sb. up sth., to bring sth. up for sb. 把某物給某人拿上去
    • 6. 改進; 提高 to bring sth. up to standard 使某事物達標
    • 7. 嘔出
    • 8. 提出 I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again 對不起,我不會再提這件事了
    • 9. 調出