- IPA[brɔːd]
- having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide;(after a measurement) giving the distance from side to side
- a woman
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide a broad staircase 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (after a measurement) giving the distance from side to side the valley is three miles long and half a mile broad 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ large in area a broad expanse of paddy fields 同義詞
- 2. covering a large number and wide scope of subjects the company has a broad range of experience 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ having a wide range of meanings or applications; loosely defined our range of programmes comprises three broad categories
- ▪ including many people of many kinds the polls registered broad support for Labour
- 3. general; without detail a broad outline of the legal framework for pension schemes 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a hint) clear and unambiguous; not subtle a broad hint 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a phonetic transcription) showing only meaningful distinctions in sound and ignoring minor details.
- 4. somewhat coarse and indecent the broad humour has been toned down 同義詞
- 5. (of a regional accent) very noticeable and strong the words had a distinct tang of broad Lancashire 同義詞 反義詞
- 1. North American informal, dated a woman I get drunk, follow the pretty broads, and make a fool of myself
- a network of shallow freshwater lakes, traversed by slow-moving rivers, in Norfolk and Suffolk. ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a large flat edible green bean that is typically eaten without the pod.
Oxford American Dictionary
- lacking in detail and subtlety: a broad-brush measure of inflation
- an approach characterized by a lack of detail or subtlety: like all investments, dividend stocks come in all shapes and colors, and it is important not to paint them with a broad brush
Oxford American Dictionary
- a point of sailing in which the wind blows over a boat's quarter, between the beam and the ... on a broad reach they are magnificent craft
- sail on a broad reach.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a large flat edible green bean that is typically eaten without the pod.
Oxford Dictionary
- a tradition or group within the Anglican Church favouring a liberal interpretation of doctrine.
Oxford Dictionary
- a tradition or group within the Anglican Church favoring a liberal interpretation of doctrine.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a point of sailing in which the wind blows over a boat's quarter, between the beam and the ... on a broad reach they are magnificent craft
- sail on a broad reach.
Oxford Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[brôd]
- having an ample distance from side to side; wide: a broad staircase
- a woman: I get drunk, follow the pretty broads, and make a fool of myself
Oxford American Dictionary