by the skin of one's teeth
- 【口】僅; 剛剛;倖免
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 【口】僅; 剛剛 He escaped by the skin of his teeth. 他險些沒逃掉。
- 2. 倖免 The car missed me by inches, and I escaped by the skin of my teeth. 那汽車差一點撞上了我, 我倖免於難。
- 更多解釋
- 好不容易;僥倖 He escaped by the skin of his teeth. 他差點沒逃成。
- 好不容易;僥倖 He escaped by the skin of his teeth. 他差點沒逃成。