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  1. calcine

    • IPA[ˈkalˌsīn]


    • v.
      reduce, oxidize, or desiccate by roasting or exposing to strong heat
    • verb: calcine, 3rd person present: calcines, gerund or present participle: calcining, past tense: calcined, past participle: calcined

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    • 1. reduce, oxidize, or desiccate by roasting or exposing to strong heat we calcine the medicine so that we may better dissolve it
    • adj.
      reduced, oxidized, or desiccated by roasting or exposing to strong heat: in some cases only calcined bones were left to tell that human beings had ever been there

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      reduced, oxidized, or desiccated by roasting or exposing to strong heat: in some cases only calcined bones were left to tell that human beings had ever been there

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈkalsʌɪn]


    • v.
      reduce, oxidize, or desiccate by roasting or exposing to strong heat: we calcine the medicine so that we may better dissolve it

    Oxford Dictionary