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  1. candy

    • IPA[ˈkandē]


    • n.
      a sweet food made with sugar or other sweeteners, typically formed in small, shaped pieces and flavored with chocolate, fruit, or nuts;sugar crystallized by repeated boiling and slow evaporation
    • v.
      preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup
    • verb: candy, 3rd person present: candies, gerund or present participle: candying, past tense: candied, past participle: candied

    • noun: candy, plural noun: candies

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    • 1. a sweet food made with sugar or other sweeteners, typically formed in small, shaped pieces and flavored with chocolate, fruit, or nuts people sat eating popcorn and candy a candy bar
    • sugar crystallized by repeated boiling and slow evaporation making candy at home is not difficult—the key is cooking the syrup to the right temperature


    • 1. preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup I candied the walnuts with maple syrup
    • adj.
      (of fruit, nuts, etc.) preserved by being coated and impregnated with a sugar syrup: candied fruit

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      (of fruit, nuts, etc.) preserved by being coated and impregnated with a sugar syrup: candied fruit

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a timid, cowardly, or despicable person: one candy-ass can get everybody killed
    • adj.
      timid, cowardly, or despicable: candy-ass sellouts

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      an apple coated with a thin layer of cooked sugar or caramel and fixed on a stick; a toffee apple.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a timid, cowardly, or despicable person: I'm too much of a candy-ass to be a crab fisherman
    • adj.
      timid, cowardly, or despicable: candy-ass sellouts

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      an apple coated with a thin layer of cooked sugar or caramel and fixed on a stick.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      an illegal drug that is inhaled, in particular cocaine: we've been up doing nose candy all night

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      an illegal drug that is inhaled, in particular cocaine: we've been up doing nose candy all night

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈkandi]


    • n.
      sweets; confectionery: people sat eating popcorn and candy a candy bar
    • v.
      preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup: I candied the walnuts with maple syrup

    Oxford Dictionary