- IPA[kəˈrɛsɪŋ]
- stroking gently or lovingly
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. stroking gently or lovingly his caressing touch a beautifully caressing tone
- touch or stroke gently or lovingly: she caressed the girl's forehead a gentle breeze caressed his skin
- a gentle or loving touch: she felt the caress of his breath on her cheek
Oxford American Dictionary
- touch or stroke gently or lovingly: she caressed the girl's forehead a gentle breeze caressed his skin
- a gentle or loving touch: she felt the caress of his breath on her cheek
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[kəˈresiNG]
- stroking gently or lovingly: his caressing touch a beautifully caressing tone
Oxford American Dictionary