Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. case

    • IPA[keɪs]



    • 事例;情況
    • adv
    • conj
    • prep
    • 釋義
    • 同反義

    • 1. 事例 on a case by case basis 逐一地 in 7 out of 10 cases 十之七八
    • 2. 情況 in some cases 在某些情況下 in that case 如果那樣的話
    • 3. 個案 in your case, we are prepared to be lenient 根據你的情況,我們準備從寬處理 I cannot make an exception in your case 我不能對你破例
    • 4. 論據 to have a case 有足夠的證據打贏官司 to put the case for the defence 為被告辯護
    • 5. 訴訟 a criminal/civil case 刑事/民事訴訟 to win/lose one's case 勝訴/敗訴
    • 6. 案件 to work or be on a case 辦案 a murder case 謀殺案
    • 7. 病例; 病人; 傷員 a severe case of typhoid 嚴重的傷寒病例 a psychiatric case 精神病患者
    • 8. 需要救助的情況; 需要救助的對象 the local social services discussed her case 當地的社會福利部門討論了她的救助問題 he's a problem case 他是個困難戶
    • 9. 可憐的人; 無可救藥的人
    • 10. the nominative case 主格


    • 1. 無論如何
    • 2. 至少


    • 1. 以防 you'd better take the keys in case I'm out 你最好帶上鑰匙,以防我不在家 take the street map just in case 帶上街道地圖,以防萬一
    • 2. 假使 in case you haven't figured it out, let me explain 假如你還沒弄明白,就讓我來解釋吧


    • 1. 如果發生 in case of fire, ring the alarm bell 如遇火警,即按警鈴


    1. a container designed to hold or protect something

    2. the outer protective covering of a natural or manufactured object

    3. an item of luggage; a suitcase

    4. a box containing twelve bottles of wine or other drink, sold as a unit

    5. surround in a material or substance

    6. enclose in a protective container

    7. reconnoitre (a place) before carrying out a robbery