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  1. cast

    • IPA[kɑːst]


    • v.
      cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface;cause (uncertainty or disapproval) to be associated with something
    • n.
      an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mould;a mould used to make an object by casting
    • verb: cast, 3rd person present: casts, gerund or present participle: casting, past tense: cast, past participle: cast

    • noun: cast, plural noun: casts

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    • 1. cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface the moon cast a pale light over the cottages running costs were already casting a shadow over the programme 同義詞 emit, give off, send out, send forth, shed, ... 更多
    • cause (uncertainty or disapproval) to be associated with something journalists cast doubt on the government's version of events
    • 2. register (a vote) votes have been cast in 40 per cent of the seats 同義詞 register, record, enter, file, lodge, ... 更多
    • 3. throw (a net, or the hooked and baited end of (a fishing line) out into the water the fishermen cast a large net around a school of tuna
    • let down (an anchor or sounding line).
    • 4. literary throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction he cast the book down on to the chair angrily lemmings cast themselves off the cliff 同義詞 throw, toss, fling, pitch, hurl, ... 更多
    • direct (one's eyes or a look) at something she cast down her eyes she cast him a desperate glance 同義詞 direct, shoot, turn, throw, send, ... 更多
    • 5. shape (metal or other material) by pouring it into a mould while molten when hammered or cast, bronze could be made into tools 同義詞 mould, fashion, form, shape, model, ... 更多
    • make (a moulded object) by casting metal a bell was cast for the church
    • arrange and present in a specified form or style he issued statements cast in tones of reason
    • 6. cause (a magic spell) to take effect the witch cast a spell on her to turn her into a beast the city casts a spell on the visitor
    • 7. display (video or audio content from a computer, phone, or other device) on a television screen, usually via a wireless connection, without mirroring the screen of the device the app can cast your device's photos and videos view on your largest screen by casting your device to your TV
    • 8. shed (skin or horns) in the process of growth the antlers are cast each year 同義詞 shed, discard, slough off, throw off, get rid of, ... 更多
    • (of a horse) lose (a shoe).
    • 9. calculate and record details of (a horoscope) you can look at the star chart cast at somebody's birth 同義詞 calculate, devise, compute, reckon, determine, ... 更多
    • 10. (in country dancing) change one's position by moving a certain number of places in a certain direction along the outside of the line in which one is dancing cross the set and cast down one place
    • 11. (of a dog) search in different directions for a lost scent the dog cast furiously for the vanished rabbit
    • let loose (hounds) on a scent casting the hounds into cover, we stood and listened
    • 12. immobilize (an animal, especially a cow) by using a rope to cause it to fall on its side.


    • 1. an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mould bronze casts of the sculpture
    • a mould used to make an object by casting the artist's casts and moulds became the property of the museum 同義詞 casting, replica, copy, model, representation, ... 更多
    • a bandage stiffened with plaster of Paris, moulded to the shape of a limb that is broken and used to support and protect it I had to spend a month in a cast
    • 2. an act of throwing something forcefully he grabbed a spear for a third cast
    • a throw of a fishing line I swung the rod out for a cast
    • British the leader of a fishing line.
    • archaic a throw or a number thrown at dice 'tis no winning cast 同義詞 throw, toss, fling, pitch, hurl, ... 更多
    • 3. the form or appearance of something, especially someone's features or complexion she had a somewhat masculine cast of countenance the colours he wore emphasized the olive cast of his skin
    • the character of something this question is for minds of a more philosophical cast than mine 同義詞 type, sort, kind, variety, class, ... 更多
    • 4. a slight squint he had a cast in one eye 同義詞 squint, cross-eyes, informalboss-eye, technicalstrabismus
    • 5. short for worm cast
    • a pellet regurgitated by a hawk or owl.
    • 6. a wide search made by a hound or pack of hounds to find a trail.
    • Australian, New Zealand a wide sweep made by a sheepdog in mustering sheep.
    • 7. rare a pair or group of hawks or falcons he gave one thousand pounds for a cast of hawks
    • n.
      the assigning of parts in a play, film, or other production to an actor or actors: his version was still at the scripting stage and he had not yet begun to think about casting there's certainly novelty value in the casting of the lead role

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the assigning of parts in a play, film, or other production to an actor or actors: his version was still at the scripting stage and he had not yet begun to think about casting there's certainly novelty value in the casting of the lead role

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      discard something unwanted or undesirable

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      discard something unwanted or undesirable

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      (of the sea) deposit something on the shore

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a hard, relatively brittle alloy of iron and carbon that can be readily cast in a mold and ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[kast]


    • v.
      cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface: the moon cast a pale light over the cottages running costs were already casting a shadow over the program
    • n.
      an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold: bronze casts of the sculpture

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[kɑːst]


    • n.
      the actors taking part in a play, film, or other production: he draws sensitive performances from his inexperienced cast
    • v.
      assign a part in a play, film, or other production to (an actor): he was cast as a young knight in her lavish historical epic

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[kast]


    • n.
      the actors taking part in a play, film, or other production: he draws sensitive performances from his inexperienced cast
    • v.
      assign a part in a play, film, or other production to (an actor): he was cast as the Spanish dancer a campaign for good nutrition, in which red meat is cast as the enemy

    Oxford American Dictionary