- IPA[ˈkadē]
- deliberately hurtful in one's remarks; spiteful;relating to cats; catlike
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. deliberately hurtful in one's remarks; spiteful catty comments
- 2. relating to cats; catlike catty eyes
- diagonally opposite someone or something; cater-cornered: the cemetery was just the next block up, catty-cornered from my hotel
- situated diagonally opposite someone or something; cater-cornered: there were four catty-cornered televisions
Oxford Dictionary
- diagonally opposite someone or something; cater-cornered: the cemetery was just the next block up, catty-cornered from my hotel
- situated diagonally opposite someone or something; cater-cornered: there were four catty-cornered televisions
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈkati]
- deliberately hurtful in one's remarks; spiteful: catty comments
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ˈkadē]
- a slingshot: on the way to school we took potshots at dogs with our catty
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈkati]
- a catapult: on the way to school we took potshots at dogs with our catty
Oxford Dictionary