- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. readily engaging in informal talk
- talkative
- , communicative
- , expansive
- , forthcoming
- , open
- , unreserved
- , gossipy
- , gossiping
- , garrulous
- , loquacious
- , voluble
- , verbose
- , effusive
- , gushing
- , glib
- , mouthy
- , gabby
- , windy
- , gassy
- , talky
- , able to talk the hind legs off a donkey
- , multiloquent
- , multiloquous
2. (of a conversation, letter, etc.) informal and lively
「1. readily engaging in informal talk」的反義字
「2. (of a conversation, letter, etc.) informal and lively」的反義字
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