- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 便宜的 it's cheap to produce 這生產起來造價不高 it works out cheaper to take the train 算下來坐火車更便宜
- 2. 合算的 it's cheap at the price 以這個價購買,物超所值 this shirt is very cheap at £15.00 這件襯衫價格15英鎊很划算
- 3. 劣質的 it's cheap and nasty 這東西質劣價低
- 4. 淺薄的; 無價值的
- 5. 不費力的 a cheap thrill 唾手可得的刺激 talk is cheap 說空話不費力
- 6. 粗鄙的; 卑鄙的 a cheap shot 惡意的中傷 to feel cheap 感到低三下四
- 1. 便宜地 they're going cheap 他們在降價銷售
1. low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services
- inexpensive
- , low-priced
- , low-price
- , low-cost
- , economical
- , economic
- , competitive
- , affordable
- , reasonable
- , reasonably priced
- , moderately priced
- , keenly priced
- , budget
- , economy
- , cheap and cheerful
- , bargain
- , cut-rate
- , cut-price
- , half-price
- , sale-price
- , sale
- , reduced
- , on special offer
- , marked down
- , discounted
- , discount
- , rock-bottom
- , giveaway
- , bargain-basement
- , slashed
- , going for a song
- , dirt cheap
- , bargainous
2. inexpensive because of inferior quality
- poor-quality
- , second-rate
- , third-rate
- , substandard
- , low-grade
- , inferior
- , common
- , vulgar
- , shoddy
- , trashy
- , rubbishy
- , tawdry
- , tinny
- , brassy
- , worthless
- , meretricious
- , cheap and nasty
- , cheapjack
- , gimcrack
- , Brummagem
- , pinchbeck
- , cheapo
- , junky
- , tacky
- , kitsch
- , not up to much
- , naff
- , duff
- , ropy
- , grotty
- , rubbish
- , twopenny-halfpenny
- , a dime a dozen
- , tinhorn
- , two-bit
- , dime-store
- , crap
- , crappy
- , chickenshit
- , trumpery
3. of little worth because achieved in a discreditable way requiring little effort
- despicable
- , contemptible
- , low
- , base
- , immoral
- , unscrupulous
- , unprincipled
- , unsavoury
- , distasteful
- , unpleasant
- , mean
- , shabby
- , sordid
- , vulgar
- , tawdry
- , low-minded
- , dishonourable
- , discreditable
- , ignoble
- , sorry
- , shameful
- , beastly
- , scurvy
4. deserving contempt
- despicable
- , contemptible
- , low
- , base
- , immoral
- , unscrupulous
- , unprincipled
- , unsavoury
- , distasteful
- , unpleasant
- , mean
- , shabby
- , sordid
- , vulgar
- , tawdry
- , low-minded
- , dishonourable
- , discreditable
- , ignoble
- , sorry
- , shameful
- , beastly
- , scurvy
「1. low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services」的反義字
「2. inexpensive because of inferior quality」的反義字
「3. of little worth because achieved in a discreditable way requiring little effort」的反義字
「4. deserving contempt」的反義字
- cheap的形容詞、副詞比較級
- cheap的形容詞、副詞最高級
- 比較便宜的
- 最便宜
- 看輕 You should not hold it cheap. 你不能輕視此事。
- 羞愧 She felt cheap about her mistake. 她為自己的錯誤感到慚愧。
- 【口】廉價賣 The local shop has some radios going cheap. 本地商店有些廉價的收音機。
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[tʃip]
- DJ[tʃi:p]
- 便宜的,價廉的 Eggs are very cheap now. 現在蛋很便宜。
- 便宜地 I was very lucky to get the book so cheap. 我這本書買得這麼便宜是很幸運的。
- 便宜的,不值錢的,可鄙的便宜地