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  1. classically

    • IPA[ˈklasɪkəli]


    • adv.
      in a way that relates to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture;(with reference to art or architecture) in a way that resembles or is influenced by ancient Greek or Roman forms or principles
    • 釋義


    • 1. in a way that relates to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture the nineteenth-century classically educated reader the classically austere traditions of the Roman republic
    • (with reference to art or architecture) in a way that resembles or is influenced by ancient Greek or Roman forms or principles fine architecture and beautiful, classically designed buildings
    • 2. to an exemplary standard within a traditional and long-established form or style a classically trained British stage actor a truly terrific evening of classically inspired dance
    • in a way that relates to the first significant period of an area of study so much of Marxist economics was classically oriented Iberian horses have been classically divided into two native groups
    • in a way that is very typical of its kind a classically styled cyberpunk film
    • 3. according to or in accordance with concepts and theories which preceded the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics we can describe light classically in terms of an electromagnetic wave wormholes may be unstable, both classically or quantum mechanically