- IPA[ˈkɒblə]
- a person whose job is mending shoes.;an iced drink made with wine or sherry, sugar, and lemon
noun: cobbler, plural noun: cobblers
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. a person whose job is mending shoes.
- 2. an iced drink made with wine or sherry, sugar, and lemon sherry cobbler
- 3. North American a dessert consisting of fruit baked in a deep dish with a thick, cake-like crust on top apricot cobbler
- 4. British informal a man's testicles I've been kicked in the cobblers a few times
- ▪ nonsense I thought it was a load of cobblers
- 5. Australian, New Zealand informal the last sheep to be shorn.
- people should only concern themselves with things they know something about
Oxford American Dictionary
- people should only concern themselves with things they know something about
Oxford Dictionary
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