- IPA[kəˈlɛkt]
- bring or gather together (a number of things);come together and form a group
- (of a phone call) paid for by the person receiving it
- (with reference to making a phone call) in a way that is paid for by the person receiving it
- a winning bet.
verb: collect, 3rd person present: collects, gerund or present participle: collecting, past tense: collected, past participle: collected
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. bring or gather together (a number of things) he went round the office collecting old coffee cups 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ come together and form a group a small crowd collected at the back door 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ systematically seek and acquire (items of a particular kind) as a hobby I've started collecting stamps
- ▪ accumulate over a period of time collect rainwater to use on the garden 同義詞 反義詞
- 2. call for and take away; fetch the children were collected from school 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ call for and obtain (payments) from a number of people he collected their rent each week
- ▪ go somewhere and receive (something) as a right or award she came to Oxford to collect her honorary degree
- ▪ ask for and receive (charitable donations) they were collecting money for the war effort 同義詞 反義詞
- 3. regain control of oneself, typically after a shock he paused for a moment to take a breath, to collect himself 同義詞
- ▪ concentrate (one's thoughts) she returned to her room to collect her thoughts 同義詞
- 4. archaic conclude; infer by all best conjectures, I collect Thou art to be my fatal enemy
- 5. cause (a horse) to bring its hind legs further forward as it moves a rider should want to be able to collect a horse when hacking
- 6. Australian, New Zealand informal collide with he lost control of the truck and collected two cats
- 1. North American (of a phone call) paid for by the person receiving it a collect call
- 1. North American (with reference to making a phone call) in a way that is paid for by the person receiving it I called my mother collect
- 1. Australian, New Zealand informal a winning bet.
- (of a person) calm and self-controlled: outwardly they are cool, calm, and collected
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a person) not perturbed or distracted: outwardly they are cool, calm, and collected
Oxford American Dictionary
- the collection and study of postage stamps as objects of interest or value; philately.
Oxford American Dictionary
- the collection and study of postage stamps as objects of interest or value; philately.
Oxford Dictionary
- collect or gather again: after re-collecting our apples for the second time, Bruno brought us a couple of nice sturdy sacks
Oxford American Dictionary
- make a phone call reversing the charges
Oxford Dictionary
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- 2
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[kəˈlek(t)]
- bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread): he went around the office collecting old coffee cups he collected up all his clothing
- (of a phone call) paid for by the person receiving it: a collect call
- (with reference to making a phone call) in a way that is paid for by the person receiving it: I called my mother collect
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈkälek(t)]
- (in church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈkɒlɛkt]
- (in church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season.
Oxford Dictionary