come out
- 停止工作; 罷工;(指少女)初進社交界
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 停止工作; 罷工 The miners have come out on strike. 礦工已罷工。
- 2. (指少女)初進社交界 Fiona came out last season. 菲奧納上一季初次參加社交活動。 a coming-out ball 少女初進社交界舞會
- 3. (指太陽、月亮或星星)露出, 出現 The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了, 太陽出來了。
- 4. (指花朵等)開始長出, 吐艷, 開花 The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold weather. 因為天氣寒冷, 今年藏紅花開得晚。
- 5. 出版或發表 When is her new novel coming out? 她的新小說何時問世?
- 6. (指消息、真相等)周知, 傳出, 透露 The full story came out at the trial. 事件的始末在審判時才真相大白。 It came out that he'd been telling a pack of lies. 後來才知道他一直在說謊。
- 7. (指照片)顯影, 顯出, 洗出 Our holiday photos didn't come out. 我們假日的照片沖洗不出來(如因膠卷有毛病)。
- 8. 顯示得或表示得很清楚 The bride comes out well in the photographs. 像片上新娘照得很好。 His arrogance comes out in every speech he makes. 他每次講話都顯得很傲慢.
- 9. (指詞語、言論等)說出, 講出 My statement didn't come out quite as I had intended. 我說出的話和我原先想要表達的意思不盡相同。
- 10. (指算數題、問題等)解出, 解決 I can't make this equation come out. 我不會解這個方程式。
- 11. 公開表白是同性戀者 She's been much happier since she came out. 她公開了自己是同性戀者以後就快活多了。
- 12. (在測驗、考試等中)得某名次 She came out first in the examination. 她考試得第一名。
- (指物體)(從固著處)除掉 I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我無法把這顆螺絲釘從牆上取出。
- 說出 After some hesitation, she came out with the whole truth. 猶豫了一會, 她終於道出了全部真相。 He came out with a stream of abuse. 他講了一連串的污言穢語。
- 名列榜首, 名列前矛 He came out top in his high school and went to Harvard University. 他在高中名列前茅, 後來進了哈佛大學。
- 來自 one of the songs that have come out of Ireland 源於愛爾蘭歌謠中的一首
- 共計 to come out at a rate of 3% 總計費率為3%
- 出 to come out in spots 起丘疹 to come out in a cold sweat 冒出一身冷汗
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- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- 出來 to come out of hospital 出院 to come out from behind/under etc. sth. 從某物後面/下面等出來
- 出現 The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮從雲後露出臉來。
- 出現 The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮從雲後露出臉來。