Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. come up

    • ph.
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    • 1. (指植物)長出地面 The snowdrops are just beginning to come up. 雪花蓮剛剛開始長出地面。 We watched the sun come up. 我們觀看日出。
    • 2. (指太陽)升起
    • 3. (指士兵、給養等)被送往前線 We'll let you know if any vacancies come up. 一有空缺我們就通知你。 I'm afraid something urgent has come up; I won't be able to see you tonight. 很抱歉, 有些急事; 今晚不能見你了。
    • 4. 發生; 出現 (指彩票、數字抽獎等)抽中, 中獎, 贏 The subject came up in conversation. 這個問題是在談話中提到的。 The question is bound to come up at the meeting. 會上必然要討論這個問題。
    • 5. 被提及; 被討論; 出現 Her divorce case comes up next month. 她的離婚案件下月審理。
    • 6. 由法庭審理 My number came up and I won 100 pounds. 我的數字彩票中獎了, 我贏得100英鎊。
    • ph.
      達到期望; 等於 This picture does not come up to the one you showed me yesterday. 這張圖畫不及你昨天給我看的那一張好。 Your work does not come up to the requirements. 你的工作不符合要求。
    • ph.
      趕上 We came up with a group of tourists. 我們趕上了一群旅遊者。
    • ph.
      大有幫助; 格外慷慨 Nobody else in the family gave anything for the jumble sale, but my sister came up trumps. 家裡人誰一沒拿出東西來捐助這次義賣活動, 只有我妹妹慷慨相助。 The team turned up trumps on the day. 那個隊這一天的成績好得出乎意料。
    • ph.
      遭遇(困難, 反對, 等等) The workers came up against their employer's unwillingness to pay higher wages. 這些工人的僱主不情願付出更高的工資。 We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme. 我們預計這個計劃要遭到很多人反對。
    • vt.
      想到 what excuse did she come up with? 她找了個甚麼藉口?
    • vt.
      成為…的候選人 he's coming up for promotion 他是此次晉升的候選人
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    • vi.
      上來; 浮上來; 上樓 come up to the attic 上閣樓來


    • ph.
      開始;發生 I'll let him know if anything comes up. 如有什麼事,我會告訴他的。


    • ph.
      開始;發生 I'll let him know if anything comes up. 如有什麼事,我會告訴他的。