- IPA[kəmˈpəʊzd]
- having one's feelings and expression under control; calm
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. having one's feelings and expression under control; calm a very talented and composed young player
- write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry): he composed the First Violin Sonata four years earlier
Oxford American Dictionary
- write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry): he composed the First Violin Sonata four years earlier
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a composition, especially a song) not based on repeated sections or verses, especially ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- another term for durchkomponiert
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[kəmˈpōzd]
- having one's feelings and expression under control; calm: a very talented and composed young player
Oxford American Dictionary