- IPA[kənˈfərmd]
- (of a person) firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change
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- 1. (of a person) firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change a confirmed bachelor a confirmed teetotaler
- establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to ... if these fears are confirmed, the outlook for the economy will be dire the report confirms that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to prevent cataracts
Oxford American Dictionary
- establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case): if these fears are confirmed, the outlook for the economy will be dire the report confirms that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to prevent cataracts
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[kənˈfəːmd]
- (of a person) firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to ... a confirmed bachelor a confirmed teetotaller
Oxford Dictionary