Yahoo香港字典 搜尋
搜尋結果 adj.
形容詞 1. 相關的 to be connected with or to sb./sth. 與某人/某事物有關 how are you connected to the organization? 你和這個組織有甚麼關係? 2. 有血統關係的 his family is well connected 他的家庭血統高貴 to be connected by marriage 聯姻 3. 相連的 to be connected to or with ... 與…相連 4. 連貫的 he was too excited for connected thought 他太興奮了,無法理清思路 vt.
連接; 加掛 to connect sth. to sth. 將某物與某物連接起來 to be connected to the mainland by bridge 通過橋梁與大陸相連 vi.
聯運 to connect with the Oxford service 與牛津的車次聯運 vt.
連接,連結[(+with/to)] This railway connects London and Edinburgh. 這條鐵路連接倫敦與愛丁堡。 vi.
連接,連結[(+by/with/to)] This wire connects with that one. 這根電線與那根連接。
PyDict ph.
與...相連接; 與...有聯繫 He is connected with Chang's family by marriage. 他和張家有姻親關係。 Our bank is connected with major foreign banks in the world. 我們的銀行與全世界的主要外國銀行都有生意往來。 KK[kəˋnɛktɪd] DJ[kəˋnektid]