- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 征服 man's conquest of space 人類對太空的征服 the conquest of Mount Everest 珠峰的登頂
- 2. 控制 the conquest of inflation 對通貨膨脹的控制
- 3. 被俘虜的人 her latest conquest 她最近俘獲的男人
1. the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force
- defeat
- , beating
- , conquering
- , vanquishment
- , vanquishing
- , trouncing
- , annihilation
- , overpowering
- , overthrow
- , subduing
- , subjugation
- , rout
- , mastery
- , crushing
- , victory (over)
- , triumph (over)
- , hammering
- , clobbering
- , thrashing
- , drubbing
- , caning
- , murder
- , massacre
- , seizure
- , seizing
- , takeover
- , acquisition
- , gain
- , appropriation
- , subjection
- , capture
- , occupation
- , invasion
- , annexation
- , overrunning
2. the successful ascent of a mountain, especially one not previously climbed
3. a person whose affection or favour has been won
- catch
- , acquisition
- , captive
- , prize
- , slave
- , admirer
- , fan
- , worshipper
- , lover
- , love
- , boyfriend
- , girlfriend
- , fancy man
- , fancy woman
- , toy boy
- , sugar daddy
- , a notch on someone's bedpost
- , swain
- , gallant
- , paramour
- , leman
「1. the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋkɑŋkwɛst]
- DJ[ˋkɔŋkwest]
- 征服;克服;佔領[U] The basic aim of this institution is the conquest of disease. 本協會的基本宗旨是征服疾病。