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  1. conscientiously

    • IPA[ˌkɒnʃɪˈɛnʃəsli]


    • adv.
      in a thorough and responsible way;in a way that is motivated by one's moral sense of right and wrong
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    • 1. in a thorough and responsible way he applied himself conscientiously to his profession a conscientiously detailed legislative history
    • 2. in a way that is motivated by one's moral sense of right and wrong he could not conscientiously take the oath people who are conscientiously opposed to killing
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    • IPA[ˌkän(t)SHēˈen(t)SHəslē]


    • adv.
      in a thorough and responsible way: he applied himself conscientiously to his profession a conscientiously detailed legislative history

    Oxford American Dictionary