- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 持續的; 不斷的; 反複的
- 2. 不變的; 恆定的
- 3. 忠實的
- 1. 常數
- 2. 恆量
- 3. 不變的事物 his love has always remained a constant 他的愛始終如一
1. occurring continuously over a period of time
- continual
- , continuous
- , persistent
- , sustained
- , abiding
- , round-the-clock
- , ceaseless
- , unceasing
- , perpetual
- , incessant
- , never-ending
- , everlasting
- , eternal
- , endless
- , unending
- , unabating
- , non-stop
- , perennial
- , unbroken
- , uninterrupted
- , unrelieved
- , interminable
- , unremitting
- , relentless
- , unrelenting
- , without respite
- , sempiternal
- , steadfast
- , steady
- , resolute
- , determined
- , persevering
- , tenacious
- , dogged
- , unwavering
- , unflagging
- , unshaken
2. remaining the same over a period of time
- consistent
- , regular
- , stable
- , steady
- , fixed
- , uniform
- , even
- , level
- , invariable
- , unvarying
- , unchanging
- , changeless
- , undeviating
- , unfluctuating
- , immutable
3. (of a person) unchangingly faithful and dependable
- faithful
- , loyal
- , devoted
- , true
- , fast
- , firm
- , unswerving
- , unwavering
- , steadfast
- , staunch
- , stalwart
- , dependable
- , trustworthy
- , trusty
- , reliable
- , dedicated
- , committed
- , bosom
- , boon
「1. occurring continuously over a period of time」的反義字
「2. remaining the same over a period of time」的反義字
「3. (of a person) unchangingly faithful and dependable」的反義字
- constant的名詞複數
- 太陽常數
- 【電腦】整數常量
- 【電腦】整數常量
- 太陽常數(指地球接收太陽國徽能的通量)
- 氣體常數
- 複介電常數
- 複介電常數
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋkɑnstənt]
- DJ[ˋkɔnstənt]
- 固定的,不變的 The birth rate in this city is almost constant. 這城市的出生率幾乎是不變的。
- 【數】【物】常數,衡量 The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一個重要的常數。