Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. constitutionals

    • constitutional的名詞複數
    • 相關詞
    • adj.
      憲法的; 符合憲法的; 符合章程的
    • n.
      健身散步 to go for a constitutional 去散步健身
    • adj.
      體質上的;生來的;本質的;基本的 a constitutional weakness 身體虛弱
    • n.
      保健散步;保健運動[C] his morning constitutional 他早上作的健身散步
    • ph.
      憲法修正案;修憲 Nothing short of a constitutional amendment can solve the problem of insufficient seats for small parties in the Legislature. 要解決小黨在立法院席位不足的問題,就必須要修憲。
    • ph.
      君主立憲政體 In this day and age, there are many countries that adopt the constitutional monarchy system, like Japan, Denmark, Britain, etc. 在今日,仍有許多國家採用君主立憲制,如日本,丹麥,英國等。
    • ph.
      釋憲,憲法解釋 I think this matter is subject to constitutional interpretations. 我認為這個問題取決於釋憲。
    • ph.
      君主立憲政體 In this day and age, there are many countries that adopt the constitutional monarchy system, like Japan, Denmark, Britain, etc. 在今日,仍有許多國家採用君主立憲制,如日本,丹麥,英國等。
    • ph.
      釋憲,憲法解釋 I think this matter is subject to constitutional interpretations. 我認為這個問題取決於釋憲。
    • ph.
      憲法修正案;修憲 Nothing short of a constitutional amendment can solve the problem of insufficient seats for small parties in the Legislature. 要解決小黨在立法院席位不足的問題,就必須要修憲。
    • ph.
      【香港】 政制及內地事務局
