1. have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another
- correspond
- , agree
- , tally
- , match up
- , tie in
- , be consistent
- , be in agreement
- , be compatible
- , be consonant
- , be congruous
- , be in tune
- , be in harmony
- , harmonize
- , coordinate
- , dovetail
- , equate to
- , relate to
- , conform to
- , suit
- , fit
- , match
- , parallel
- , square
- , jibe
- , quadrate
2. establish a mutual relationship or connection between
- connect
- , analogize
- , associate
- , relate
- , compare
- , bring together
- , set side by side
- , show a connection between
- , show a relationship between
- , show an association between
- , show a correspondence between
- , draw an analogy between
「1. have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another」的反義字