- IPA[ˈkriːki]
- making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied;(of a voice) producing a harsh, high-pitched sound
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied I climbed the creaky stairs
- ▪ (of a voice) producing a harsh, high-pitched sound ‘We don't know, do we’, he said, creaky with self-restraint
- 2. old-fashioned or decrepit the country's creaky legal system
- a way of speaking in which the vocal cords are tightly drawn together at one end and vibrate at ... creaky voice was prevalent in the voices of these actresses
Oxford Dictionary
- a way of speaking in which the vocal cords are tightly drawn together at one end and vibrate at ... creaky voice was prevalent in the voices of these actresses
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈkrēkē]
- (of an object, typically a wooden one) making or liable to make a harsh, high-pitched sound ... I climbed the creaky stairs
Oxford American Dictionary