Yahoo香港字典 搜尋
搜尋結果 vt.
壓壞 to be crushed against the railings 被擠壓在欄杆上 to crush sb. to death 把某人壓死 vi.
擠 to crush into a car 擠進汽車 n.
擁擠的人群 it was a bit of a crush in the car 車裡有點兒擁擠 vt.
壓碎,壓壞;碾碎;榨 Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside. 別壓壞這個盒子;裡面有花。 vi.
被壓碎,被壓壞;被碾碎 n.
壓碎,毀壞;壓皺;壓榨;鎮壓[U][C] ph.
使某人/某物擠入或擠過 You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room. 不能讓二十個人擠進這樣一個狹小的房間裡。 The postman tried to crush the packet into the letter-box. 郵遞員使勁把郵件塞進信箱裡。 vt.
碾碎 to crush sth. up into small pieces 將某物碾成細小碎片 vt.
榨出; 熄滅; 耗盡 to crush sth. out of sth. 從某物中榨出某物 to crush sth. out of sb. 使某人耗盡某物 n.
女孩之間的惺惺相惜 She admitted to me that she had a girl crush on me since high school. 她承認她自高中時代起就對我惺惺相惜。