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  1. cure-all

    • IPA[ˈkyo͝orôl]


    • n.
      a medicine or other remedy that will supposedly cure any ailment;a solution to any problem
    • noun: cure-all, plural noun: cure-alls

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    • 1. a medicine or other remedy that will supposedly cure any ailment it was prized as a cure-all, for there seemed to be few common ailments which did not respond to treatment with comfrey
    • a solution to any problem unfortunately, the new output circuitry is not a cure-all
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    • IPA[ˈkjʊərɔːl]


    • n.
      a medicine or other remedy that will supposedly cure any ailment: it was prized as a cure-all, for there seemed to be few common ailments which did not respond to treatment with comfrey

    Oxford Dictionary