- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 習俗 it is the custom to ... 做…是風俗習慣
- 2. 習慣 it is her custom to ... 她的習慣是… as is his custom 按他的習慣
- 3. 惠顧 they've lost a lot of custom 他們失掉了很多顧客 I shall take my custom elsewhere 我將在其他地方買東西
1. a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time
- tradition
- , practice
- , usage
- , observance
- , way
- , convention
- , procedure
- , ceremony
- , ritual
- , ordinance
- , form
- , formality
- , fashion
- , mode
- , manner
- , shibboleth
- , sacred cow
- , unwritten rule
- , mores
- , way of doing things
- , consuetude
- , praxis
2. a thing that one does habitually
3. regular dealings with a shop or business by customers
- 海關 at customs 在海關 to go through customs 通過海關
- 關稅[K] I paid $20 in customs on the $100 Swiss watch. 我為一百美元的瑞士表付了二十美元的關稅。
- 訂做的
- 民俗
- 按(主顧的)專門要求建造(或製造的);定製的,非現成的
- 民俗
- 訂製的;客製化的;量身訂做的 Obviously, this clothes had been custom-made for you. 很顯然地,這件衣服是為你量身訂做的。
- 民間風氣,民俗
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- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋkʌstəm]
- DJ[ˋkʌstəm]
- (社會,團體的)習俗,慣例[C][U] The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 慶祝耶誕節是一種風俗。
- 訂做的,訂製的[B]