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  1. cutter

    • IPA[ˈkədər]


    • n.
      a person or thing that cuts something.;a tool for cutting something, especially one intended for cutting a particular thing or for producing a particular shape
    • noun: cutter, plural noun: cutters

    • 釋義


    • 1. a person or thing that cuts something.
    • a tool for cutting something, especially one intended for cutting a particular thing or for producing a particular shape a glass cutter a pair of bolt cutters
    • a person who cuts or edits movies he's a great cutter—he saved “Rocky V” in the editing room
    • a person in a tailoring establishment who takes measurements and cuts the cloth a lifetime spent as a cutter in the Manhattan rag trade
    • a person who cuts into their own flesh, especially habitually as a symptom of emotional distress a support group for recovering cutters
    • a person who reduces or cuts down on something, especially expenditures a determined cutter of costs
    • 2. a light, fast coastal patrol boat a coastguard cutter
    • a ship's boat used for carrying light stores or passengers.
    • historical a small fore-and-aft-rigged sailing ship with one mast, more than one headsail, and a running bowsprit, used as a fast auxiliary.
    • a yacht with a gaff-rigged mainsail and two foresails.
    • 3. a fastball that breaks somewhat on being pitched.
    • 4. North American a light horse-drawn sleigh a one-horse cutter parked in front of the barn