- IPA[dab]
- press against (something) lightly several times with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it or to apply a substance;apply (a substance) with light quick strokes
- a small amount of something;a brief application of a piece of absorbent material to a surface
verb: dab, 3rd person present: dabs, gerund or present participle: dabbing, past tense: dabbed, past participle: dabbed
noun: dab, plural noun: dabs
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. press against (something) lightly several times with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it or to apply a substance he dabbed his mouth with his napkin she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief
- ▪ apply (a substance) with light quick strokes she dabbed disinfectant on the cut
- 2. dialect strike with a light blow.
- 1. a small amount of something she licked a dab of chocolate from her finger 同義詞
- ▪ a brief application of a piece of absorbent material to a surface apply concealer with light dabs 同義詞
- ▪ a small portion of cannabis oil or resin, or another drug in a highly concentrated form, that can be vaporized or burned and inhaled the patient reported taking a dab of marijuana approximately five hours before his appointment the dab can be heated from underneath with a match, lighter, or candle until it begins to emit smoke
- 2. British informal fingerprints the catalogue is being dusted for your dabs
- the action or practice of inhaling small quantities of a concentrated and vaporized drug, ... even among marijuana proponents, dabbing is a polarizing topic
Oxford Dictionary
- the action or practice of inhaling small quantities of a concentrated and vaporized drug, ... even among marijuana proponents, dabbing is a polarizing topic
Oxford American Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[dab]
- press against (something) lightly with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it: he dabbed his mouth with his napkin she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief
- a small amount of something: she licked a dab of chocolate from her finger
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[dab]
- a dance move or gesture, originating in hip hop and often performed as part of a celebration, ... his signature dab he celebrated on the court by doing the dab
- perform a dance move or gesture in which one arm is bent at an angle across the chest while the ... the player who dabs after touchdowns
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[dab]
- a dance move or gesture, originating in hip hop and often performed as part of a celebration, ... his signature dab he celebrated on the court by doing the dab
- perform a dance move or gesture in which one arm is bent at an angle across the chest while the ... the player who dabs after touchdowns
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ˌdēˌāˈbē]
- digital audio broadcasting.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[dab]
- a small, commercially important flatfish found chiefly in the North Atlantic.
Oxford Dictionary
- digital audio broadcasting.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[dab]
- a small, commercially important flatfish found chiefly in the North Atlantic.
Oxford American Dictionary