- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 黑暗的 it is getting dark 天就要黑了 the dark side of the moon 月球背面
- 2. 深的; 深色的; 黑色的
- 3. 黝黑的 he's very dark 他皮膚很黑
- 4. 暗淡的; 悲觀的 to look on the dark side (of things) 看(事物)陰暗的一面 the darkest days of the war 戰爭中最慘淡的日子
- 5. 隱秘的 the darkest recesses of the unconscious mind 潛意識中最隱秘的角落 to keep sth. dark (from sb.) (對某人)隱瞞某事物
- 6. 惡毒的; 邪惡的 a dark reputation 昭彰惡名 there was a darker side to his nature 他本性中有更為邪惡的一面
- 7. 憤怒的 to give sb. a dark look 憤怒地瞪某人一眼
- 8. 關門停演的
- 9. 暗的
- 1. 黑暗 in the dark 在黑暗中 before/after dark 天黑以前/以後
1. with little or no light
- black
- , pitch-black
- , pitch-dark
- , inky
- , jet-black
- , unlit
- , unlighted
- , unilluminated
- , ill-lit
- , poorly lit
- , starless
- , moonless
- , dim
- , dingy
- , gloomy
- , dusky
- , indistinct
- , shadowy
- , shady
- , leaden
- , overcast
- , sunless
- , crepuscular
- , tenebrous
- , Stygian
- , Cimmerian
- , Tartarean
- , caliginous
2. (of someone's skin, hair, or eyes) brown or black in colour
- brunette
- , dark brown
- , auburn
- , tawny
- , copper-coloured
- , coppery
- , chestnut
- , chestnut-coloured
- , jet-black
- , sable
- , ebony
- , dark-haired
- , swarthy
- , sallow
- , olive
- , dusky
- , black
- , tanned
- , bronzed
- , suntanned
- , sunburned
- , dark-skinned
3. (of a period or situation) characterized by great unhappiness or unpleasantness
- tragic
- , disastrous
- , calamitous
- , catastrophic
- , cataclysmic
- , ruinous
- , devastating
- , dire
- , ghastly
- , awful
- , unfortunate
- , dreadful
- , horrible
- , terrible
- , horrific
- , hideous
- , horrendous
- , frightful
- , atrocious
- , abominable
- , abhorrent
- , gruesome
- , grisly
- , monstrous
- , nightmarish
- , heinous
- , harrowing
- , wretched
- , woeful
- , direful
4. deeply pessimistic
- gloomy
- , dismal
- , pessimistic
- , negative
- , defeatist
- , downbeat
- , gloom-ridden
- , cynical
- , bleak
- , grim
- , fatalistic
- , black
- , sombre
- , drab
- , dreary
- , despairing
- , despondent
- , depressed
- , dejected
- , demoralized
- , hopeless
- , cheerless
- , joyless
- , melancholy
- , glum
- , lugubrious
- , Eeyorish
- , grave
- , funereal
- , morose
- , mournful
- , doleful
- , suspicious
- , distrustful
- , doubting
- , alarmist
5. (of an expression) angry
- moody
- , brooding
- , sullen
- , dour
- , glum
- , morose
- , sulky
- , frowning
- , scowling
- , glowering
- , angry
- , forbidding
- , threatening
- , ominous
6. suggestive of or arising from evil; sinister
- evil
- , wicked
- , sinful
- , immoral
- , wrong
- , morally wrong
- , wrongful
- , bad
- , iniquitous
- , ungodly
- , unholy
- , irreligious
- , unrighteous
- , sacrilegious
- , profane
- , blasphemous
- , impious
- , godless
- , base
- , mean
- , vile
- , shameful
- , discreditable
- , unspeakable
- , foul
- , monstrous
- , shocking
- , outrageous
- , atrocious
- , abominable
- , reprehensible
- , hateful
- , detestable
- , despicable
- , odious
- , contemptible
- , horrible
- , heinous
- , execrable
- , diabolical
- , diabolic
- , fiendish
- , vicious
- , murderous
- , barbarous
- , black
- , rotten
- , perverted
- , reprobate
- , sordid
- , degenerate
- , depraved
- , dissolute
- , dishonourable
- , dishonest
- , unscrupulous
- , unprincipled
- , crooked
- , bent
- , warped
- , low-down
- , stinking
- , dirty
- , shady
- , malfeasant
- , dastardly
- , peccable
- , egregious
- , flagitious
7. hidden from knowledge; mysterious
- mysterious
- , secret
- , hidden
- , concealed
- , veiled
- , unrevealed
- , covert
- , clandestine
- , enigmatic
- , arcane
- , esoteric
- , obscure
- , abstruse
- , recondite
- , recherché
- , inscrutable
- , impenetrable
- , opaque
- , incomprehensible
- , cryptic
- , black
8. the absence of light in a place
- darkness
- , blackness
- , absence of light
- , gloom
- , gloominess
- , dimness
- , dullness
- , murk
- , murkiness
- , shadowiness
- , shadow
- , shade
- , shadiness
- , dusk
- , twilight
- , gloaming
- , tenebrosity
9. nightfall
10. a dark colour or shade, especially in a painting
- darkness
- , blackness
- , absence of light
- , gloom
- , gloominess
- , dimness
- , dullness
- , murk
- , murkiness
- , shadowiness
- , shadow
- , shade
- , shadiness
- , dusk
- , twilight
- , gloaming
- , tenebrosity
「1. with little or no light」的反義字
「2. (of someone's skin, hair, or eyes) brown or black in colour」的反義字
「3. (of a period or situation) characterized by great unhappiness or unpleasantness」的反義字
「4. deeply pessimistic」的反義字
「5. (of an expression) angry」的反義字
「6. suggestive of or arising from evil; sinister」的反義字
「7. the absence of light in a place」的反義字
「8. nightfall」的反義字
「9. a dark colour or shade, especially in a painting」的反義字
- dark的形容詞最高級
- dark的形容詞比較級
- 加深器
- dark的最高級
- 黑馬(出人意外獲勝的賽馬或參賽人) He's a bit of a dark horse: he was earning a fortune, but nobody knew. 他可算是藏龍臥虎: 賺大錢, 可誰也不知道。
- 在天黑以前 Try to get home before dark. 盡量在天黑以前回家。
- 在天黑以前/以後 I'm afraid to go out after dark in the city. 在城裡, 我害怕天黑後出門。
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- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[dɑrk]
- DJ[dɑ:k]
- 暗;黑暗的 It's getting dark. 天快黑了。
- 黑暗,暗處[the S] She could see nothing in the dark. 她在黑暗中什麼也看不見。
- 黑暗的