- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 拖延 to dawdle over sth. 磨磨蹭蹭地做某事
- 2. 遊盪 to dawdle along or around the streets 在街上閒逛
1. waste time; be slow
- linger
- , dally
- , take one's time
- , drag one's feet
- , be slow
- , waste time
- , kill time
- , fritter time away
- , idle
- , delay
- , procrastinate
- , stall
- , hang fire
- , mark time
- , potter about/around/round
- , dilly-dally
- , let the grass grow under one's feet
- , tarry
2. move slowly and idly in a particular direction
- amble
- , stroll
- , go/walk slowly
- , loiter (along)
- , move at a snail's pace
- , not keep pace
- , hold back
- , lag behind
- , fall behind
- , trail behind
- , mosey
- , tootle
- , pootle
- , bimble
- , mooch
- , swan
- , putter
「1. waste time; be slow」的反義字
「2. move slowly and idly in a particular direction」的反義字
- dawdle的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 怠慢
- 怠慢
- 閑混
- 浪費(時間) He dawdles the hours away watching television. 他把時間都荒廢在看電視上了。
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋdɔd!]
- DJ[ˋdɔ:dl]
- 閒混;偷懶;遊蕩 Since he could not stop the implementation of this policy, all he could do was dawdling. 因為他沒法阻止這項政策的執行,他所能做的就是拖拖拉拉。
- 浪費(時間等)
- 遊手好閑,混日子