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  1. dehydrate

    • IPA[dēˈhīˌdrāt]


    • v.
      cause (a person or their body) to lose a large amount of water;lose a large amount of water from the body
    • verb: dehydrate, 3rd person present: dehydrates, gerund or present participle: dehydrating, past tense: dehydrated, past participle: dehydrated

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    • adj.
      having lost a large amount of water from the body: his body temperature was high and he had become dehydrated the watering point was swamped by exhausted and dehydrated runners

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      having lost a large amount of water from the body: his body temperature was high and he had become dehydrated the water station was swamped by exhausted and dehydrated runners

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˌdiːhʌɪˈdreɪt]


    • v.
      cause (a person or their body) to lose a large amount of water: the heat dehydrated us even when we stood still alcohol and coffee both dehydrate the skin

    Oxford Dictionary