Yahoo香港字典 搜尋
- 1. 下降;下傾[U][C] The spectators watched the descent of the balloon. 觀看的人瞧著氣球降落。
- 2. 下坡[C] a steep descent 陡峭的坡道
- 3. 世系,血統[U] Many Americans are of English descent. 許多美國人有英國血統。
- 4. 遺傳;派生[U]
- 5. 衰落;墮落[U][S1] his descent into a life of crime 他淪落到靠犯罪為生
- 6. 屈尊;降格[U][(+to)]
- 7. 襲擊;入侵[C][(+on/upon)] The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 10th century. 丹麥人在十世紀曾對英國海岸發動過無數次襲擊。
- 8. 【律】(遺產的)繼承[U]
n. 下降
- drop
- , fall
- , sinking
- , down-rush
- , subsidence
- , droop
- , trip
- , lowering
- , tumble
- , plunge
- , plummet
- , dive
- , decline
n. 斜坡
- slope
- , grade
- , gradient
- , decline
- , declivity
- , declination
- , downgrade
- , incline
- , inclination
- , ramp
- , down-stairway
- , downcast
- , slant
n. 遺傳,血統
- parentage
- , origin
- , roots
- , lineage
- , genealogy
- , heredity
- , filiation
- , pedigree
- , stock
- , line
- , blood
- , strain
- , extraction
- , ancestry
- , forefathers
- , family tree
n. 屈尊降格
n. 襲擊
「n. 下降;下坡」的反義字