- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 豁免
- 2. 分配 the dispensation of justice 執法
- 3. 特許
1. exemption from a rule or usual requirement
- exemption
- , immunity
- , exception
- , exclusion
- , exoneration
- , freedom
- , release
- , relief
- , reprieve
- , remission
- , relaxation
- , absolution
- , impunity
- , a let-off
2. a political, religious, or social system prevailing at a particular time
3. the action of distributing or supplying something
- dispensation的名詞複數
- 特許;特批 Special dispensation from the church is required of a Catholic when he (or she) wants to marry a heathen. 對於一個天主教徒來說,與一個異教徒結婚需要教會的特許。
- 特許;特批 Special dispensation from the church is required of a Catholic when he (or she) wants to marry a heathen. 對於一個天主教徒來說,與一個異教徒結婚需要教會的特許。
- 更多解釋
- KK[͵dɪspɛnˋseʃən]
- DJ[͵dispenˋseiʃən]
- 分配(物);施與(物)[U][C] the dispensation of food 分發食物
- 分配,施與,配藥