do well out of
- 從某人/某事物處獲得利益或金錢
- 相關詞
- 【口】使某人得不到某事物(尤指以不光明正大的方式) She was done out of her promotion. 她受人算計而未獲提升。
- 使某人失業
- 逃避(責任或義務); 不做分內事 I wish I could get out of going to that meeting. 但願我能不去參加那個會議。 Don't you dare try and get out of the washing-up! 你敢逃避洗碗碟!
- 說服(或勸說)某人不做某事
- 使某人感到慚愧而不做某事
- 說服某人不做某事 I tried to talk her out of coming. 我盡量勸她不要來。
- 哄騙某人不要做某事 The mother coaxed the daughter out of going to the party alone. 母親好言相勸,不讓女兒獨自去參加聚會。
- 哄騙某人不要做某事 The mother coaxed the daughter out of going to the party alone. 母親好言相勸,不讓女兒獨自去參加聚會。
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