Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. do with

    • ph.
      滿足於(吃...); 相處; 處理
    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 滿足於(吃...); 相處; 處理 What are we to do with this naughty boy? 我們怎樣處治這個頑皮的男孩? I can't do with him and his insolent ways. 我不能忍受他和他那粗野無禮的樣子。


    滿足於(吃...); 相處; 處理

    • ph.
      (與can和could連用, 表示需要或希望得到某事物)需要, 想要 You look as if you could do with a good night's sleep. 你看來似乎需要好好睡上一夜。 I could do with a stiff drink! 我想要一杯烈酒。
    • ph.
      將就; 能對付 Can you do with a sandwich for lunch? 你午餐吃塊三明治行嗎?
    • ph.
      廢除, 停止 That department was done away with two years ago. 那個部門兩年前被取消了。 She thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy. 她認為該是廢除君主制的時候了。
    • ph.
      (多用於疑問句中, 常與what配合使用)處理...; 對付... What have you done with my umbrella? 你把我的傘放在哪兒去了? Tell me what you did with yourselves on Sunday. 告訴我你們怎樣度過星期天的。
    • ph.
      湊合著用 I'll have to make do with by old coat this winter. 今年冬天我只好穿舊外套湊合了。 We were in such a hurry that we had to make do with a quick meal. 我們很匆忙, 只好將就著吃了頓快餐。
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    • vt.
      忍受 I can't be doing with loud music 我受不了太響的音樂


    • ph.
      與……相處;忍受 I can't do with his selfishness. 我忍受不了他的自私。 She is quite difficult to do with. 她很難相處。


    • ph.
      與……相處;忍受 I can't do with his selfishness. 我忍受不了他的自私。 She is quite difficult to do with. 她很難相處。
    • ph.
