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  1. dopiness

    • IPA[ˈdōpēnəs]


    • n.
      a state of stupefaction or sleepiness;the quality of being foolish
    • noun: dopiness

    • 釋義


    • 1. informal a state of stupefaction or sleepiness after being zapped into a state of melancholy dopiness, they turned to Latham to energize the party
    • informal the quality of being foolish I simply cannot comprehend this genuine dopiness his public pronouncements had a certain dopiness about them
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    • IPA[ˈdəʊpɪnɪs]


    • n.
      a state of stupefaction or sleepiness: after being zapped into a state of melancholy dopiness, they turned to Latham to energize the party

    Oxford Dictionary