Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. dress

    • IPA[dres]



    • n.
    • modif.
    • vt.
      給…穿衣服; 為…提供衣服;裝飾
    • vi.
    • 過去式:dressed 過去分詞:dressed 現在分詞:dressing

    • 名詞複數:dresses

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 連衣裙
    • 2. 衣服 casual/formal dress 便服/禮服

    修飾詞 (modification)

    • 1. 連衣裙的
    • 2. 適於正式場合的 a dress sword 禮服用佩劍


    • 1. 給…穿衣服; 為…提供衣服 to get dressed 穿好衣服 to dress oneself in black 穿黑色衣服
    • 2. 裝飾 to dress a shop window 布置櫥窗 to be dressed overall 掛滿旗幟
    • 3. 處理; 調製 to dress a chicken 把雞去毛開膛
    • 4. 包紮
    • 5. 修整…的表面 to dress leather 鞣皮
    • 6. 給…施肥


    • 1. 穿衣服 I dressed in my best clothes 我穿上了自己最好的衣服
    • 2. 穿衣 to dress comfortably 穿得舒適 he dressed as a pirate to go to the fancy dress ball 他裝扮成海盜去參加化裝舞會
    • 3. 穿禮服 to dress for dinner 穿禮服赴宴
    • 4. 排列整齊 squad, dress right 全班注意,向右看齊


    1. put on one's clothes

    2. wear clothes in a particular way or of a particular type

    3. put on clothes appropriate for a formal occasion

    4. decorate (something) in an artistic or attractive way

    5. clean, treat, or apply a dressing to (a wound)

    6. clean and prepare (food, especially poultry or shellfish) for cooking or eating

    7. apply a fertilizer to (an area of ground or a plant)

    8. smooth the surface of (stone)

    9. arrange or style (hair)

    10. draw up (troops) in the proper alignment

    11. a one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs

    12. clothing of a specified kind for men or women


    「1. put on one's clothes」的反義字

    「2. put on clothes appropriate for a formal occasion」的反義字